
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why do I run and work out?

Unlike previous semesters, I've made working out a priority. I've also tried to become more cognizant about what I eat. For the past year, my family has had a number of medical issues. A majority of these issues could have prevented through health and diet. In all honesty, it makes me upset that many of America's high cost medical issues like obesity are completely preventable.

I was never a runner. I always envied runners. So, to jump start my adventure on the pavement, I registered for a half marathon. This is one of the best decisions I've made this year and in life in general. This time last year, I would have never imagined running as far and as long as I do now. Every time I run, I try to beat the distance I've done before and it is such a rewarding feeling.

So why do I run? I run for my family members that have gone through medical problems that don't have the ability to run, like my Grandpa and Uncle George. I run for my family members who are still young and hope that they can take after the habits I have acquired in exercise and nutrition like my younger brothers and sister.

This summer I am determined to:

- Cut fast food
- Limit carbs like bread and pasta. If I choose to eat bread and pasta, these items will be gluten free.
- Stop eating out
- Eat more fruits and vegetables
- Increase the amount of protein in my diet
- Walk when I can, instead of driving
- Limit sweets like icecream, cake, donuts, and etc.

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